ココナッツ娘。 Coconuts Musume 椰果少女组。
1999年03月01日結成。メンバーは「ミカ Mika Todd」「エイプリル April Barbaran」「チェルシー Chelsea Ching」
「アヤカ Ayaka Kimura」「ダニエル Danielle DeLaunay」の5名。
1999年07月23日、シングル「ハレーションサマー Halation Summer」でメジャーデビューした。
(左から、ミカ、エイプリル、チェルシー、アヤカ、ダニエル、レファ Lehua Sandbo)
Coconuts Musume was a Hello! Project unit made up of members from Hawaii.
Coconuts Musume was formed when former Sharam Q member Makoto chose (from the left)Mika Todd, April Barbaran, Chelsea Ching,
Ayaka Kimura, and Danielle Delaunay, as the winners of the Pacific Dream Pop Singer Competition out of 1500 applicants.
The group was announced as a Tsunku-produced unit in June 1999 on ASAYAN.
After releasing two singles, Chelsea and April left the group and a new member, Lehua Sandbo, was added in January 2000.
After anothertwo singles, Danielle left the group in April 2001
and the remaining trio released what would turn out to be their last single in August 2001.
Auditions for a new member were advertised and due to take place at various locations around Hawaii during January 2002.
However these auditions were either canceled or unsuccessful and instead of adding a new member the group
became a duo when Lehua left in February 2002.
Coconuts Musume did not release any more singles, but they continued to perform at concerts and hosted their own radio show
from 2001 to 2004 called KISS THE COCONUTS!.
The group made its final performance in Spring 2004 during Morning Musume
Concert Tour 2004 Spring The Best of Japan,
when Mika left Japan and the Hello! Project to study in America. With Mika gone, Coconuts Musume was just one member, Ayaka,
and she continued to be introduced as "Coconuts Musume Ayaka".
In 2008 Ayaka suddenly graduated from Coconuts Musume and Hello! Project without a graduation ceremony,
thus making Coconuts Musume an inactive unit.
01st Single「Halation Summer/Summer Night Town(English Ver.)」1999.07.23
02nd Single「DANCE&CHANCE」 1999.08.25
03rd Single「Tokonatsu Musume」(常夏娘:Everlasting-Summer Girls) 2000.05.17
04th Single「Watashi mo "I LOVE YOU"」 (私も「I LOVE YOU」:I Love You, Too)2000.07.26
05th Single「Jounetsu Yuki Miraisen」 (情熱行き 未来船:The Passionate Ship To The Future)2001.08.22
椰果少女组。(Coconuts Musume)是一个早安家族(Hello! Project)所属的女子音乐组合,特色为所有成员皆来自夏威夷。
由1998年在夏威夷举办的「Pacific Dream Pop Singer Competition」参加者约1500人中选出的5人合格者所组成。
成员从左为 Mika Todd、April Barbaran、Chelsea Ching、Ayaka 及 Danielle Delaunay
2000年01月,April 和 Chelsea 因课业问题而退出组合。同时 Lehua Sandbo 加入组合。之后将以4人姿态活动。
2000年10月,Mika 以椰果少女组。兼成员身份加入「迷你早安」(Minimoni)。
2001年05月,Danielle 因升入大学而退出组合。
2002年02月,Lehua 退出组合。之后便以 Mika 和 Ayaka 2人体制进行活动。
2002年07月,Ayaka 以椰果少女组。成员身份加入「小早安」(Petitmoni)。
2004年05月,Mika 决定去美国洛杉矶留学而退出组合。成员剩下 Ayaka 1人。
2008年04月,Ayaka 从早安家族毕业。椰果少女组。最后解散。
1st单曲「Halation Summer/ Summer Night Town」1999.07.23
4th单曲「我也 I LOVE YOU」 2000.07.26