 Suzuki Airi

℃-ute(2017年解散)及び Buono!(2017年活動終了)の元メンバー。





2017年05月22日、横浜アリーナ「Buono! ライブ 2017 ~Pienezza!~」をもってBuono!の活動が終了。

2018年06月06日、ソロ・デビュー・アルバム「Do me a favor」リリース。
2018年07月09日、ワンマンライブ「鈴木愛理 1st LIVE ~Do me a favor @ 日本武道館~」を開催。

2020年04月21日、新型コロナの影響により「鈴木愛理 LIVE 2020 Airing the Bell @ 横浜アリーナ」公演中止。

Suzuki Airi joined Hello! Project by becoming one of the Hello! Project Kids.

She made her debut as one of the 4KIDS featured in "Minimoni ja Movie Okashi na Daibouken!
(ミニモニ。じゃ ムービー お菓子な大冒険!:Minimoni the Movie: The Great Sweets Adventure!)"
as well as on Minimoni's single, "Genki Jirushi no Oomori Song(げんき印の大盛りソング:Song Piled High With Energetic Signs)"

In fall 2003, she was announced as a member of the one-shot unit "Aa!" and garnered much attention for her vocal skill at her young age.
She is a member and one of the lead singers of ℃-ute.

She was a member of Little Gatas and was added to Gatas Brilhantes H.P. on April, 2007.
A little later in the year on July 21, 2007 it was announced
that she would form a new unit with Tsugunaga Momoko and Natsuyaki Miyabi called Buono!.

On March 2009, Suzuki was in a solo commercial that appeared in the Pizza-La website.
Since June of 2015, Suzuki has been serving as an exclusive model for the fashion magazine Ray.

The disbandment of ℃-ute was announced on August 20, 2016 through various online and print news sources,
followed closely by the official website and blogs of the members.

The last performance for the group was scheduled to take place in June 2017 at Saitama Super Arena, during their 12th year of activities.

On May 27, 2017 Suzuki Airi announced that after the group disbandment she would make a return
to singing as a solo artist sometime in 2018 and would continue her modeling activities.

01st Single「Escape」2019.09.04
01st Album「Do me favor」2018.06.06
02nd Album「i」2019.12.18


2002年在「Hello! Project Kids Audition」27,958名参选者中成为15名合格者之一.。

同时也属于「Buono!」「Aa!」的成员 。2007年02月21日,℃-ute发行正式出道单曲「樱花乍现」。

2018年06月06日,发售Single Debut Album「Do me a favor」。

01st专辑「Do me favor」2018.06.06